Conference League final in Tirana, UEFA delegation inspection visit

UEFA cover of the Conference League final in Tirana
 UEFA cover of the Conference League final in Tirana
 A UEFA delegation will arrive in Tirana today to start a three-day inspection visit in the framework of organizing the final of the UEFA Europa Conference League, which will be played in Tirana, on May 25.

UEFA has continuously sent its representatives to Albania since November last year onwards to check all the airport infrastructure, roads, entrances, and exits to the city, hotels, the pitch where the finalist teams will train, the areas where teams fans will gather as well as stadium adaptation for the final.

On the day of the final, a large number of fans and officials are expected to arrive in Tirana, but also personalities, and the entire infrastructure must be ready to receive a large influx of people.

This is the third inspection visit of the working group set up by UEFA for the organization of the Conference League final, which consists of 61 people. Initially, there will be an inspection at Rinas Airport with representatives of the Civil Aviation and the State Police and then there will be meetings with representatives of the Municipality of Tirana regarding the squares that will be designated to gather fans, parking lots, the facilities to be created, the roads that will be blocked on the day of the final, but also the housing of the city before the grand final.

Of course, a lot of attention will be paid to the "Air Albania" stadium and the work that needs to be done there to adapt every detail to the requirements of UEFA. An important aspect is the creation of all the conditions to meet the criteria of the final television broadcaster. Also, part of this group will be representatives of the event sponsors, who come to see the opportunity to organize promotional activities during the days before the finals. In this visit will be discussed the organization of volunteers who will be engaged for this major event.

There will be a final inspection visit in March and then fieldwork will begin to prepare for the final.
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