Satanic rite on the Albanian coast, a person drowning street dog as a sacrifice to demons

 A video provided by ABC through social networks raises the alarm about a serious problem in Albania, that of enigmatic murders or suicides through satanic rites or other sects.

The video shows a person on+ the coast in the late evening dusk holding a dog and trying to drown it. Meanwhile, other people standing at a distance from him film him. Forensic expert Ervin Karamuço was invited to ABC Live with moderator Sibora Bitri where he explained some elements of this video.

"On the Albanian shores, especially during the Summer and because of some elements they need, they try to perform some rituals near the beaches where over the years there has been information about dead and burned animals.

I have seen this video and read more comments. What I have come to understand is that they have done a ritual with a language that was not understood. They could not sacrifice the animal and went into the sea to kill it. Only in this way could I understand," said Karamuço.

A person tries to kill a stray dog as a sacrifice to demons in the Albanian coast
 A person tries to kill a stray dog as a sacrifice to demons in the Albanian coast
According to him, the video could have been shot in Patok, Seman or Velipoja. The suspicions are that these acts are committed by youth groups coming from abroad. "Previous information was about Velipoja, Patoku, why not Semani. Preliminary information has been about some youth parties coming from abroad as well. These videos also have a specificity. They share with each other that they did the ritual and then this video leaked.

The video can be made during the evening. They have some elements that connect it, they are some metaphysical elements. These are called platonic. But as long as we have it there we can give it a complete element. The dress looks like a black cape. The biggest alarm is that we have reached this point. The youth are attached and have a curiosity about these types of rituals. Tomorrow some of these may even go as far as killing people. They go through difficult trials. Some are guided by a kind of high consciousness taking into account the knowledge they also get from books.

Albania's problem is that we have very little knowledge. This activity has criminal elements. The videos have been removed because the person who taught them asked them to remove the videos. Most of these videos have some codes that we do not understand. "There we can see that an animal may have been sacrificed but we can not identify the group or the cult," he said.

The reason why these groups often choose dogs to sacrifice is the fact that they are easily found on the street. "Dogs are selected because are easily found on the streetS. Because they are just looking for a spiritual to realize it", declared Karamuço.
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