Vlora Airport is a danger for birds, experts say

Flamingo in Karavasta Lagoon
 Flamingo in Karavasta Lagoon
 Plans to build Albania's largest airport in Vlora could destroy one of Europe's most spectacular shelters for big birds. Bird watchers say the noise of trucks and excavators is already scaring pelicans and flamingos.

The picturesque Vjosa-Narta lagoon on the Adriatic Sea is a crucial stop for flocks of birds in their annual migration between Europe and Africa.

It was declared a nesting and migration-protected area in 2004 and is home to 200 bird species.

The Albanian government says a new airport in the lagoon will boost tourism along the pristine Adriatic coast and is in line with environmental rules.

The Swiss-based Mabetex company that will build the airport did not respond to emails and phone messages from the Reuters news agency for comment.

According to experts, another problem is related to safety, due to the risk of aircraft colliding with birds.

Local residents have also spoken out against this airport, as according to them it harms tourism.

According to the International Monetary Fund in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism accounted for 18 percent of Albania's economic output and created one in every 10 jobs.
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