Albanian finds a wallet with $ 2000 and handed it back to Meryl Streep

 CNN reporter Bill Weir tweeted about an event involving a young Albanian from Kosovo who lives in the United States.

He said that the Albanian found a purse with 2,000 dollars inside, which belonged to the famous American actress, Meryl Streep.

Albanian finds a wallet with $ 2000 and handed it back to Meryl Streep
Meryl Streep 
The young man, after seeing the ID card, decided to return the wallet to the American actress.

"A nice guy from Kosovo, who works in my building, one night found a wallet on the street with $ 2,000 inside. He checked the ID, it was Meryl Streep", Weir wrote.

"My father always tells me that if something is not yours, it is not yours," the young man from Kosovo told a CNN reporter.

Although he was offered the reward for his action, he refused until Streep insisted on accepting it.

"He refused the reward, while Meryl insisted. Good people," he wrote at the end.
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