Police Uniforms in the Albanian language in North Macedonia

Police Uniforms in the Albanian language in North Macedonia
 North Macedonia Police Uniforms
 Police uniforms in Northern Macedonia will also be in the Albanian language, in municipalities where over 20 percent of the population is Albanian.

The announcement of the Government, published on Tuesday, March 15, states that the decision was adopted on the basis of the Law on the Use of Languages.

"Police uniforms in Skopje and in municipalities where at least 20 percent of citizens speak an official language (Albanian) other than Macedonian, are written in Macedonian and in the language used by at least 20 percent of citizens in the Republic of North Macedonia.", it is said in the announcement of the Government.

The decision enters into force on the eighth day from its publication in the Official Gazette and will enter into force within one year of its entry into force.

The decision was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System, Artan Grubi, who announced on social networks that "The government has decided that police uniforms in the future will have an inscription in Albanian."

"Another task was fulfilled today! Albanian language even in police uniforms", Grubi wrote on the social network Facebook.

The law on the use of languages, according to which the Albanian language is widely used in Albanian-majority municipalities, as well as in-state institutions, was adopted in January 2019.
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