2.1% of Albanians support Russian occupation of Ukraine: poll

Graph of the poll conducted by Euronews Albania regarding the opinion of Albanians regarding the war in Ukraine
 Graph of the poll conducted by Euronews Albania regarding the opinion of Albanians regarding the war in Ukraine
 The war in Ukraine attracts the interest of the vast majority of Albanians (89%) who are informed at least once a day about the latest developments. Only one in ten Albanians (10%) are informed about the war in Ukraine at least once a week.

The barometer at Euronews asked Albanians about the Russian invasion of Ukraine launched on February 24 this year. Almost all respondents (91%) support Ukraine in this conflict. Only 2% of respondents side with Russia and less than one in ten (6%) Albanians do not support either side.

Among those who maintain neutrality in this conflict, the majority are young people aged 18-24.

More than half (54%) of Albanians think that NATO should intervene in the war in Ukraine. Two out of five Albanians (39%) do not agree with the intervention of the Euro-Atlantic alliance in the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Regarding the sanctions imposed on Russia, the majority of Albanians (63%) agree with them. Only one in ten Albanians (12%) do not agree with the sanctions that our country imposed on Russia, after the start of the war in Ukraine.

One in four Albanians (25%) are undecided on this issue. The findings are from the Barometer survey in Euronews Albania, conducted by MRB and DataCentrum from March 25 to April 5 with 1000 face-to-face interviews in the family.
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