Pirro Dhima candidate for president of the World Weightlifting Federation

Pirro Dhima candidate for president of the World Weightlifting Federation
 Pirro Dhima
 Pirro Dhima will be one of the 12 candidates for president of the World Weightlifting Federation, as the representative of Greece.

Today, the world Olympic champion and many other international titles is back to Tirana, his birthplace and the country that prepared him to be famous, but this time as the representative of the Greek state, that helped the Albanian weightlifter in his achievements - so many times talked about the issue of his origin.

Even today in 2022 the former president of the Greek weightlifting federation, a delegate of this federation, will seek the vote of about 250 delegates present at the Palace of Congresses in Tirana along with 11 other candidacies for the head of the World Weightlifting Federation.
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