Shane Sali, Albanian elected mayor in Australia

shane sali wearing a dark bloo jacket and white shirt
 Shane Sali
 Shane Sali has been elected Mayor of Greater Shepparton, Australia.

Councilor of Albanian origin Shane Sali was elected Mayor for the Greater Shepparton City Council at the additional council meeting. This will be the first time Sali will serve as mayor since he was elected in 2020. He will share the post for the remainder of the current term together with Deputy Mayor Cr Anthony Brophy.

Shane Sali with his wife and two sons in the backyard
 Shane Sali with his wife and two sons in the backyard
The additional council meeting was called after Mayor Kim O’Keeffe resigned from her post as mayor on Monday, June 6th. Cr O’Keeffe also applied for an Absence Permit which will take effect from 5 pm, Friday 10th June until the announcement of the results of the next state election.

The city of Greater Shepparton is home to one of the largest Albanian communities in Australia. The largest festival of Albanian culture, the Shepparton Albanian Harvest Festival has been held there for years.
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