The new president Bajram Begaj takes the oath

Bajram Begaj before listening to the national anthem and taking the oath
Bajram Begaj before listening to the national anthem and taking the oath 
 In Albania, the president-elect Bajram Begaj took the oath in the parliament this afternoon, where he gave his first speech as head of state. He emphasized some of the key moments that the country is going through, from the integration process, after the start of the process of negotiations for membership in the European Union, to the crisis created by the Russian aggression in Ukraine, or the political situation which generally remains tense.

Bajram Begaj taking the oath in the Albanian parliament
Bajram Begaj taking the oath in the Albanian parliament 
"I know, support and respect the work of the government. But effort and desire cannot justify any failure. I know, support and respect the Albanian opposition and the values ​​it represents, but I would like to never see conflict before cooperation and never pray for failure before finding solutions", declared President Begaj. While referring to the formula of the oath, he declared that "I will perform over the parties", the Head of State emphasized, however, that "I will not remain neutral towards anyone who contradicts this oath, towards anyone who puts political interests before the interest of our Nation".

The president taught several times the need for political dialogue. "I will always support and insist on cooperation between all political forces, in finding a common language, in finding ways, even common paths, because in the end, we are servants of the citizens and conflict is never a good servant", the president declared, adding that we must "get away from the politics of confrontation and replace it with the politics of dialogue and coexistence, to jointly build bridges between political classes, citizens and the state".

He pointed out that "the crisis of the long and tiring transition, the crises produced internally or imported from abroad, the crises from our disagreements, from the inability to find a language and a common path, the crisis from irresponsibility, from corruption - all these have produced insecurity, injustice, and exclusion".

The swearing-in session was boycotted by that part of the deputies who support former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, who has regained the leadership of the Democratic Party. During the day, through a statement, PD considered today as "the day of the installation of the complete monism of Prime Minister Edi Rama". While the other MPs who in these months have stood by the chairman of the parliamentary group, Enkelejd Alibeaj, were present "in respect of the Constitution and the institutions", despite the strong objections that they also had to the process of his election.

Mr. Begaj, former chief of the General Staff of the army, was proposed as a candidate by the socialist majority, with whose votes he was subsequently elected as president on June 4. The vote on his name took place in the fourth round after the previous 3 rounds had burned with no candidate, and most of the opposition had failed to reach an agreement on a consensual election.

Mr. Begaj, 55 years old, succeeds the head of state, President Ilir Meta, who ended today the 5 years of a turbulent mandate, where he became the protagonist of strong clashes with the majority. The latter tried twice to dismiss him, but without achieving the goal. Mr. Meta has promised his immediate return to politics, most likely by resuming the leadership of the Socialist Movement for Integration, the party he founded in September 2004, and led until he assumed the office of the country's president.

After the swearing-in session in the parliament, almost an hour later, the handover ceremony took place. Mr. Meta and the new president, Begaj, came out together from the main door of the presidency, to go to the external environment where the development of further protocol procedures was foreseen.

The President of the Constitutional Court, Vitore Tusha, handed over a copy of the constitution to Mr. Begaj. He then addressed those present at the ceremony, with a speech.

"I will be a servant of my people, a representative of our national unity, a steadfast supporter of the Euro-Atlantic journey for all Albanians of Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, the Presheva Valley, and wherever they live and they work. I will be a contributor and supporter of communication and cooperation, of initiatives and ideas that develop and advance our society. Dialogue and cooperation between political forces, civil society, religious communities, national minorities, attentive listening to the voice of the free, transparent, and true media, and respect and acceptance of the debate enable its strength to be embodied in well-being, development, and progress for the citizens and the country. The future of the country is everyone's responsibility", said President Begaj.

Then he escorted the former president Meta, to enter together with his family the internal premises of the presidency, where Mr. Begaj will work for the next 5 years.

The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, tweeted a congratulation to President Begaj, emphasizing that "with the opening of membership talks, we are at an exciting moment in EU-Albania relations. We look forward to building our common future together."

"We look forward to working with President Begaj to deepen the sustainable US-Albania partnership, strengthen Albania's democracy and protect peace and security as a NATO ally," Ambassador Kim wrote.
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