The registry for sexual crimes in Albania, every pedophile's data will be accessible

Banner urging the adoption of a national registry against pedophiles
 Banner urging the adoption of a national registry against pedophiles
 Now all criminals, accused of sexual crimes, and molestation of minors will appear in the national registry of sexual crimes. The bill was approved in the Assembly with 125 votes in favor.

The construction of this platform aims to protect the victims, keep pedophiles under surveillance, and prevent another crime.

"The public will now have access to this sex crime registry. For those who have committed sexual crimes, all Albanians living in Albania must be careful to protect their children. For all those who are sexual predators, the moment has come to tremble, to ask themselves if they would like their name to exist in this register, for the rest of their lives", said Iris Luarasi, from the "Counseling Line for Women and Girls" center.

In this registry of sexual crimes, those perpetrators who have served their sentence will also be registered. Not only Albanian citizens but also foreigners who are in the territory of the republic.

"It is supposed to work through e-Albania. Each of us has an opportunity to access the portal and the registry will be part of the portal, this also ensures the part for the police, since every attack on a person without any reason. As everything with be stored, even who is the person who entered and searched", according to Luarasi.

Only during 2021 more than 2300 children at risk were supported by social protection programs, while more than 70 children were taken into protection.

From January 1, 2019 to June 1, 2020, 66 children have fallen victim to harassment and sexual violence by close people and family members. Three of them, girls, committed suicide.

The draft law on the "National Registry of Convicted Sexual Crimes" was initiated by 28 civil society organizations. They collected over 20,000 signatures from citizens who supported this initiative.
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