School Director threatened in Kosovo because he fired a teacher wearing hijab

School Director threatened in Kosovo because he fired a teacher wearing hijab
 The Kosovo Police has announced that in the village of Reshtan, in Suhareka, a school director was threatened through social networks by a group of people.

According to the announcement, the complainant said that this threat had come because he had fired a teacher, KosovaPress reports.

"The Kosovar male complainant (school director) has reported that as a result of the dismissal of a female teacher, he is being threatened by a group of people, one of whom is the Kosovar male," the police announced.

Teacher Remzije Lezi from Reshtan, Suhareka will no longer be able to practice the profession of the teacher as she is not allowed to wear a headscarf. A few days ago she was fired from her job because she is veiled.
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