Albanian song under the Greek military uniform, Greek journalist "explodes"

Albanian song under the Greek military uniform,  Greek journalist "explodes"
 "The Greek army has fallen! Albanian song during the service in the Hellenic army", these are the words of the Greek journalist, Andreas Mountxouroulias, regarding a video circulating on social networks.

In the video, a young man of Albanian origin can be seen singing in Albanian while wearing the uniform of the Greek army. This seems to have affected the nationalist spirit of the Greek journalist.

According to him, singing Albanian while serving in the Greek army is something unacceptable, and for this reason, he writes on Twitter that the Hellenic army has fallen.

The journalist warns that in a few days he will publish an article dedicated to this disturbing phenomenon according to him.

We recall that in recent years, a significant number of Albanians who were born and grew up in Greece have received Hellenic citizenship.

And this, in turn, means that Albanian boys with Greek citizenship have served in the Hellenic army, since the army is compulsory in Greece. But the fact that they speak freely about their origin while serving in the army seems to have worried the Greeks.
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