"Sali Berisha has personal ties with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin"

taulant balla and sali bersiha at the albanian parliament
Taulant Balla and Sali Berisha at the Albanian Parliament, montage
 The chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the SP, Taulant Balla, has made strong accusations against the chief democrat Sali Berisha for personal ties with Vladimir Putin. In his speech, Balla said that very soon these facts will be made public, saying that Berisha entered the Kremlin's accounts and payroll. Regarding the Russian financing of DP, Balla said that the 600,000 dollars were received with Basha's signature, but on Berisha's order. Balla said that with Berisha's order, "the head of the delegation in 2011 voted in favor of a resolution that says that the Albanians are killers and traffickers of human organs, all this in the eyes of the Europeans".

"We have been waiting these days, Sali, for you to say two words about the cyber attack. Today was actually the opportunity because we are passing an agreement on the accession of Albania to a convention on cybercrime. You didn't say a word. Naturally, the official Democratic Party has made several statements here and it would be good for the former president, and the former prime minister to make a statement, condemning the cyber attack. Today, Iran is allied with your friend, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. About you, Sali, we will make public facts about how you are connected personally. It is no coincidence that your vote in 2011 was cast in favor of a resolution sponsored by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Your allies have drawn attention to the fact that a big mudslide is being planned against Albania, against the KLA, and you have not reacted. With your order, the head of the delegation has voted in favor of a resolution that has made Albanians killers and traffickers of human organs in the eyes of Europeans.

It is done by you, Sali, and you accessed the Kremlin's accounts and the Kremlin's payroll. In the following days, the facts of this list will emerge, which culminated in the use of Luli's firm, but with Sali's order for the so-called 600,000 dollars that the Russians gave to Democratic Party. I am speaking on the basis of some documents that Sali knows very well that we have", said Balla.

This statement by the head of the socialist parliamentary group comes two days after Prime Minister Edi Rama accused the Democratic Party and Vladimir Putin of being and are in complete harmony.

Berisha did not comment on Balla's accusations about the financing, but described them as nonsense and made a reply from the Assembly Forum calling for strong protests.

"In doctrine, dictatorships are theological and such is the Iranian one. I have condemned with the greatest force on this platform and everywhere, its aggression against Albania. But in doctrine, dictatorships are also narcotics. I have condemned with the greatest force its intervention in the digital systems of Albania and their destruction. In doctrine, one-party regimes are dictatorships, and I have denounced with the greatest force the establishment of the party-state regime, a party which is steeped in drugs and crime. Now I can't spend any more time with the arguments you've laid out here, but I will say two things. It's not just universities that are in agony. Small business is in real agony. The medium business is on the run. The tax you have imposed, is 4-fold, 5-fold energy. The new tax that you predicted on January 1, 23%, is a devastating factor for this business. Therefore, I invite this business to a powerful movement against this regime and for its overthrow. I invite all the free professions that the man who, signing fap, fap, fap, pam, pam, pam, fills his trunk with citizens' euros, wants to remove. Let's join the powerful protest that will make him forget what he said. He mentioned the vetting yesterday, today he swore he never said it. Try it if you wanted the vetting. If they challenge us, we will also challenge them", said Berisha.
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