Albanians speak English and Italian more as foreign languages according to the survey

 53.4% of Albanians do not know a foreign European language, while 45.5% know a foreign language. The Euronews Albania barometer has also asked Albanians which languages they know best.

Chart made by Euronews Albania asking the question "which language do you speak best?"
Chart made by Euronews Albania asking the question "which language do you speak best?" 
Among the two languages that are better known by Albanians, English is the language that Albanians know better with 57.6% followed by Italian with 17.2%. Other languages are known much less, such as German, 3.2%, French, 0.9% and Spanish with 0.2%. A high percentage is also occupied by other languages with 20.9%.

What stands out is the fact that English is known to many of the young Albanians and Italian more to the middle and third age.

The age group from 18-24 years old are familiar with the English language with 86.2%, while the graph continues to decrease in the age group 25-34 years old with 70.3%. Also, for the 35-44 age group there is a discount of 44.7%, 45-54 years old with 34.3%, 55-64 years old with 18.7%, and 65-75 years old with 17.3%.

Unlike English, the graph of the Italian language is increasing from the age group of 18-24 years old with 3.5%, 25-34 years old with 16.9%, 35-44 years old with 20.9%, 45-54 years old with 25.3%, 55-64 years old with 30.2% and the 65-75 age group with 30.2%.
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