Children of the Diaspora in the Netherlands continue to speak Albanian

Albanian children in the Netherlands learning Albanian language
Albanian children in the Netherlands learning Albanian language  
 The Embassy of Albania in The Hague together with the Embassy of Kosovo and the Dutch Albanian Foundation organized the activity "Children of the Diaspora continue to speak Albanian".

The children were divided into two groups, from the age group of 5-9 years old where they read fairy tales and various riddles, and from the age group of 10-15 years old where they read old Albanian fairy tales.

albanian children in netherland learning albanian language
Albanian children in the Netherlands learning Albanian language 
From Mitrush Kuteli we learned how life defeated death and how the "Daughter of the Moon and the Sun - the drop of the sky that falls everywhere, on mountains and plains, on the heads of the wicked, for the benefit of the good, for the salvation of people." Saved the brave and defeated the dragon.

With the help of two teachers, Darinka Piqani and Albana Shala, the diaspora children improved their Albanian language.

"We are very happy that this educational activity brought together Albanian families in the Netherlands, on the eve of the holidays," the Albanian embassy announced.
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