'Durrës will be the second Monaco of the World'

Muhamed Alabbar portrait foto (archive)
 Muhamed Alabbar portrait foto (archive)
"The world needs a second Monaco and I will build it in Durrës".

This is the promise of Muhamed Alabbar for the project he will build in the port of the coastal city.

In an interview given to the ArabianBussines magazine, the builder of the tallest tower in the world and dozens of other projects, says that when "Durrës Yacht Marina" is finished, people will see the largest yacht port in the Mediterranean and the transformation that has never been seen before.

Durres Yachts Marina, project image
Durres Yachts Marina, project image
The project, already voted in the Albanian parliament, is estimated to cost 2.5 billion dollars, and the head of the Eagle Hills company says that there are few places in the world like Durrës, where a dream like this can be realized.

For Alabbar, who has 30 years of experience in the construction field, the value of the property will increase very quickly.

Durres new port project
 Durres new port project
"Who will buy first, the minimum will sell his apartment or business twice." In Downtown Dubai and in Serbia, the value of the property tripled, in Egypt, we saw a quadruple of the value delivered to buyers", concludes Alabar.
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