Russian spy arrested in Albania Svetlana understands and speaks Albanian

Russian spy arrested in Albania Svetlana understands and speaks Albanian
 Svetlana Timofeeva (archive)
 Russian citizen Svetlana Timofeeva, who has been out of the prison hospital for a month, is in the women's prison in IEVP Ali Demi (325).

Timofeeva, who was arrested on charges of being a Russian spy, remains alone in a special isolation room under special security, local media reports.

Since the day she is in the prison cell, Timofeeva has had two meetings with representatives of the Russian embassy and has had the right to make 4 Skype communications.

Confidential sources told News24 that the Russian citizen understands and expresses herself in the Albanian language.

Since her arrest on August 20, Timofeeva has been in the prison hospital because, according to her defense, she had health problems such as anxiety disorders. The 33-year-old stayed in the prison hospital for 3 months and a security team from the women's prison stayed in the prison hospital to keep the Russian safe.

We remind that the Prosecutor's Office of Elbasan has registered three accusations regarding the case of Russians and Ukrainians who entered the Gramsh plant and has sent the file for trial. It is about article 214, "providing and giving military information to a foreign state, with the aim of undermining the independence of Albania", article 237 "hitting due to duty and possession of cold weapons since the possession of professional nerve agents is included in cold weapons", as well as Article 279 "Keeping, buying or selling in vehicles or any other motorized vehicle, in public areas or in areas open to the public, of cold weapons."
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