Russian spy ship in front of the Albanian coast a few hours above the TAP line

Russian spy ship in front of the Albanian coast a few hours above the TAP line
 For several days now, a Russian ship has been patrolling international waters in the Mediterranean. During yesterday, the ship stayed at the sea point where the TAP gas pipeline will pass in the Otranto Channel.

A Russian ship has traveled in recent days in the Adriatic and the Ionian Sea with an unspecified mission. The alarm was given by the Italian media, which for two days have been talking about an unusual situation in the Mediterranean.

The ship "Akademik Pashin" was seen yesterday in the Otranto Channel, staying several hours in the open sea. According to water chart verifications, the ship has stopped in the area where the Tap pipeline lines will pass. This gas pipeline is considered a strategic node for the region, as it connects the Balkans with Italy. The pipeline runs from Albania through the Otranto Canal to Italy and transports gas from Azerbaijan.

What has made the situation more worrying is the model of the ship. 'Akademik Pashin' is a special ship that is used to supply the Russian army. Officially, it is used as an escort for warships on long voyages. But unofficially, this ship is also considered a spy tool to track the activity of the NATO fleet and other countries.

"Akademik Pashin" is considered one of the most modern Russian ships. It entered service in 2020 and is believed to have advanced technology.

The ship was launched from Syria, where Russia has had a naval base for years. It then traveled to the Mediterranean in international waters, passing near Greece and Italy. Its last position is in the Otranto Canal in front of Albania and Italy, where the TAP pipelines are also located.

Of course, we have no official reaction so far about this event from the Russian embassy, but it is worth noting that today the Russian embassy has published some interesting cultural fact:

On December 23, 1799, the famous Russian painter Karl Pavlovich Bryullov was born in Saint-Petersburg.

In the 20s of the XIX century, K. Bryullov created a number of paintings known now: "Italian morning", "Italian noon", "a girl picking grapes near Naples".

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