Vjosa Osmani in military clothing, a message to Kosovo soldiers

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani in military clothing speaking to Kosovo soldiers
 Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani in military clothing speaking to Kosovo soldiers
 The President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, has delivered her annual speech to members of the Kosovo Security Force.

For the first time, she appeared in public in military clothes while speaking at the Ground Forces Command in Istog, where she said that at a time when the security architecture is being challenged and attacked, strengthening defense capacities is a must.

The supreme commander before the soldiers of the country said that the oath that the soldiers have given to serve the motherland is more sacred than anything else.

"The year that we are leaving behind was filled with challenges not only for us, but also for the world. We must be aware that the challenges will increase alongside efforts to challenge world peace and order by authoritarian hegemonic regimes. Therefore, more than ever, we need devotion to the homeland, vigilance, and dedication to become guardians of the Republic", said Osmani.

"This willingness of yours to protect the country from any danger makes each of us proud. It is an honor and privilege every time I am among you. Above all, the sons and daughters of our force are ready to maintain the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our state. You stand out for your dedication to your country, for your professional level, for discipline and dedication to duty, for the honor of your country. This makes us proud as a country", she said further.
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