"Kosovo politicians in the Charles McGonigal file; only 0.5 information is public"

 Journalist Milaim Zeka for Euronews Albania
 Journalist Milaim Zeka spoke about the file of former FBI agent Charles McGonigal, saying that politicians from Kosovo are also involved in it.

In an interview for Euronews Albania, he pointed out that McGonigal has demanded staggering sums of money from KLA commanders in order to drop the alleged charges of War Crimes.

According to him, the agent received more than 250 thousand dollars.

"It is not at all strange news that 'x' or 'y' of the leaders of Kosovo or Albania meet with a senior FBI official. It is no secret that our former ambassador to the USA, Vlora Çitaku, had connections with this group, then Enver Hoxha, etc.

The problem is where did this 250 thousand dollars come from, what was the purpose? I guarantee you that the sums were bigger, it is not about 250 thousand dollars. It is a structured and abusive group in the name of the FBI agent that has demanded staggering sums of money from KLA soldiers so that they can remove the alleged charges. They are high-level affairs," he said.

Further, Journalist Milaim Zeka said that only 0.5% of the details have been revealed from the file of former FBI agent Charles McGonigal, which has already become the headline of the media as the name of Prime Minister Edi Rama is also mentioned.

In an interview for Euronews Albania, he emphasized, among other things, that Kosovo and Albania will be shocked by the details.

"So far we have meetings with the prime minister and some political leaders, but what I want to say is that based on the conversations I had with a general in the USA, very well known in the Balkans, he confirms that 0.5% have come out in the opinion of all the investigations that have been done and are being done about the FBI official. The daughter of this diplomat had asked to do the practice in the New York police and the FBI agent had favored her.

This is where the doubt arises. The investigations are deep, the scandals will appear before the Court. The former FBI agent has committed several legal violations, during the time he was in office he did not report on his meetings, sponsored trips, and the money given to him by whom and when. I think he has been under surveillance for a long time. It is possible that his girlfriend was in cooperation with FBI agents" - he emphasized.
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