Dushan Janič: Serbia basically recognized Kosovo

Aleksandar Vučić in a speech in Belgrade (archive)
 Aleksandar Vučić in a speech in Belgrade (archive)
 The Serbian analyst, Dushan Janiç, says that the recognition of Kosovo's independence from Serbia can happen within this year.

In an interview for Euronews Albania, Janiç said that basically, the Serbian president, Aleksandër Vucic, has accepted the recognition, referring to chapter 4 of the talks on the European plan.

According to him, with this action, Serbia can join the European Union in the next 10 years.

"Vucic basically said yes and this belongs to chapter 4 of the talks. He says that the content of the document is secret, but basically, the conclusion of the discussions is the recognition of Kosovo's independence. He will no longer refer to Kosovo as Kosovo and Metohia, or the so-called Republic of Kosovo, but will use the term Republic of Kosovo.

The agreement must be signed by the representatives of the Republic of Kosovo and Serbia, before recognition. It is difficult, but I think, given the reality, if the reality is known, I do not accept that there are blockages, but it can be achieved in 1 year. The doors of organizations must be opened for the membership of Kosovo. Membership in the UN is needed. Only in this way can the normalization of relations come and Serbia become a member of the EU in the next 10 years", he emphasized.
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