Expired medicines in the Shkodra asylum

Home for the elderly in Shkodra
 Home for the elderly in Shkodra
 Elderly people living in the Shkodra asylum can fall prey to using expired medicines.

The alarm was raised by the people's advocate, who found that this center had expired medicines and insufficient food quotas to feed, Euronews reports.

Even more disturbing is the fact that in this asylum where 55 elderly people are over 50, it has been seen that the daily food quota is insufficient. In his report, the ombudsman states that:

"The food quota was in the amount of 360 leks per day for each person treated at the center, which was recently insufficient for the beneficiaries due to changes reflected in market prices and galloping inflation."

The problems at the old people's home in Shkodër do not end there. The ombudsman raised the lack of staff as a concern.

11 people with mental health problems live in the old people's homes, but the service for them is difficult due to the lack of specialists. Also, the center does not have a full-time doctor and a vehicle for the transportation of the elderly in emergency cases, their transportation for medical visits, or for the development of various activities.
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