Sin Boy, Albanian rapper in Greece passed away at the age of 29?

Sin Boy, Albanian rapper in Greece passed away at the age of 29
 On the Internet, a picture of the Albanian rapper Sin Boy, who appears to be lying in an ambulance while wearing an oxygen mask, has been circulating for several days. His fans have expressed great concern regarding the in-question picture.

Sin Boy in the ambulance
 Sin Boy in the ambulance
In fact, the information that Sin Boy died of an overdose in a Kosovo hospital is said to be circulating in the Instagram post that published the picture in question. Obviously, no one, not even the media in Kosovo, has confirmed this gory news.

Sin Boy's death was announced in a recent post on the rapper's Instagram account. As is customary for him, the caption of the post is written in both Greek and English for the first time.

Additionally, a black background has been added to the profile picture on his account, local media say.

"Unfortunately, the rumors are true, but Sin Boy is still being sabotaged by the media at this point. He is not gone because his music will keep him alive forever. 1994- Everlasting,” reads a post on his page.

However, the comments, even under this post, refuse to accept the news of his death. Some people think that the media is playing a game.

Naturally, it is tragic that the rapper is playing with life and death and drawing attention to himself in this manner if this is a publicity stunt.
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