Tensions in the Balkans and Russian influence, Albanians organizes a forum in the American Congress

Fatmir Mediu fourth from the right in the American Congress
 Fatmir Mediu fourth from the right in the American Congress
 The deputy of the Republican Party, Fatmir Mediu, has organized a forum in the American Congress, the topic of which was avoiding a possible conflict and counterbalancing Russian aggression and China's intervention.

This forum was organized in collaboration with Congressmen Pete Sessions and Robert Aderholt.

During the meeting, Mediu emphasized the problems, and ongoing tensions in the Balkans, but also the possibility of a possible conflict sponsored by Russia to draw attention from the conflict in Ukraine.

Among other things, Mediu underlined that the Balkans is also endangered by internal developments,

The meeting was also attended by the delegation of the Parliament of Albania represented by MPs Damian Gjiknuri, Dhurata Çupi and Blerina Gjylameti, as well as the delegation of Kosovo represented by former prime ministers Ramush Haradinaj, Avdullah Hoti, the chairman of PDK, Memli Krasniqi and MPs from all parliamentary groups.
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