The February 11 protest in Tirana, 1,500 police officers on the ground, special forces helping. Roads blocked

In the protest of December, 2022, in Tirana (archive)
 In the protest of December, 2022, in Tirana (archive)
 Tomorrow at 12:00, the opposition protest called by the leader of the Democratic Party Sali Berisha will take place.

The journalist of Euronews Albania informs that the protesters will gather at the headquarters of the DP, then in Skënderbej Square, in "Mother Teresa" Square, then to continue towards "Dëshmorët e Kombit" boulevard.

While the director of the State Police, Muhamet Rrumbullaku, yesterday also held a meeting with the leaders of Tirana's police stations, where it was decided that 1,500 police forces will be positioned in different points of the city for the smooth progress of this protest.

The Special forces will also assist the police officers.

This afternoon there will be police checks at the entrances and exits of the capital.

The next day will be blocked the roads that connect with the boulevard "Dëshmorët e Kombit".

One of the main reasons for the protest is the case of "McGonigal" - the former head of the FBI, who received money from Albanian officials and from a Russian oligarch with ties to Albanians.

It should be noted that the issue of spies has become sensitive in recent months in Albania, where mutual accusations of actors and political factors in the country appear from time to time.

Anyway, the Albanian public opinion is largely convinced that the former Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha, apart from his own personal interests, also "works" for the interests of the Russians and that he has a communist mentality despite the fact that he leads a democratic party; while the opinion of Edi Rama, who is considered relativelly moderate, "works" for the interests of George Soros, apart from his personal interests.
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