The moment when the urban collides with 10 vehicles in Tirana

Photo of the bus crash in Tirana
 Photo of the bus crash in Tirana
 A multiple accident happened today in the area of Shallvare in Tirana. 9 cars and the bus of the "Ring" line are included.

Euronews Albania has provided footage from a car that was very close to the accident. From behind it can be seen how the bus overtook 10 cars.

He first collided with an "Audi" vehicle, the "Audi" collided with the Porsche" and then the rest of the cars were involved.

Preliminary evidence of the bus driver shows that he suffers from heart disease and diabetes. According to him, he was not conscious at the time of the accident.

"I don't remember exactly what happened at that moment. I suffer from heart disease and diabetes," said the driver.
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