The Spaniards heartlessly take the Albanian patient out of the hospital; Albanian Prosecutor's Office seeks the young man's heart from the Spanish Prosecutor's Office

In the photo, the late Sajmir Sula and the Prosecutor's Office of Tirana (montage)
 In the photo, the late Sajmir Sula and the Prosecutor's Office of Tirana (montage)
 Representatives from the Prosecutor's Office of Tirana have recently held a meeting in Barcelona with their Spanish counterparts, regarding the case of a young Albanian, Sajmir Sula, 31, who was brought dead in 2020, without an organ, his heart.

According to the information distributed to the media by the Prosecutor's Office of the capital, this meeting was attended by Mónica Marcos, Prosecutor at the Department of International Relations, Sonia Canal, Prosecutor of the case, as well as Suela Salavaci, Prosecutor of the case at the Prosecutor's Office of the Judicial District of Tirana and representatives of the Ministry of Justice.

The sister of Saimir Sula showing the foto of his brother on her phone
 The sister of Saimir Sula showing the foto of his brother on her phone
In this meeting, more detailed information was requested regarding the progress of the execution of the second order letter of the Prosecutor's Office of the Judicial District of Tirana sent in April 2022. In this regard, the Spanish side informed Prosecutor Salavaci that they have reviewed and the information of this request will be forwarded to the Albanian authorities very soon, as it is being finalized.

Sending the heart of the late S.S. the Albanian authorities to carry out the DNA analysis

The Spanish side clarified that due to the opening of the case in Spain by the family members of the deceased, as well as in the conditions where the case is currently being examined in the Supreme Court, the decision is expected from this court and then the sending will proceed of the heart in Albania.

Conducting a DNA test

In conditions where the execution of the order letter is in process, the performance of the test will be decided by the Spanish court which is currently under consideration, but at any moment at the end of the processes in Spain, the heart will be sent to Albania, local media reports.

The inconsistency of the dates claimed by the sister of the deceased that the histopathological study of the heart of citizen S.S. was done on 22.04.2020, (while this citizen passed away on 09.05.2020).

 Sajmir Sula and his sister (archive)
In relation to this claim, the Spanish side clarified that this is a written material error since the histological study began on 22.05.2020, this is also due to the fact that the dates referred to in the decision prove that it is an error written material.

Meanwhile, on the Albanian side, the prosecutor of the case, Salavaci, requested information on:

The provisions of the Spanish procedural legislation regarding the preservation of the genetic material or the organ on which it is performed and any scientific analysis. The Spanish prosecutor informed that according to the Spanish criminal procedure, the organ (heart) is destroyed after the end of the process.

In relation to the specific case, the Albanian prosecutor requested a guarantee for the preservation of the organ (heart) and the Spanish prosecutor made available a copy of the decision of the Court of Barcelona dated 25.08.2021, urgently forwarded to the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Medicine in Barcelona, where it was disposing of the organ (heart) of the deceased S.S., by the Institute of Forensic Medicine.

How did it happen...

The family of the young Albanian who died in Spain was shocked after the expertise made by the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Tirana. He was missing a heart, and as a result, the Prosecutor's Office of Tirana has launched investigations into the "illegal sale and purchase of human organs".

It all started after the doubts of the family members themselves after they saw that in the lifeless body of their son, Saimir Sula, there was a crack in the part of the heart. Doubts increased even more when they saw that in the medical record opened by the Spanish hospital, not a single line was specified that the 31-year-old from Tirana was missing a heart, Spanish media say.

Upon the arrival of the body in Tirana, the family requested a medical-legal examination of the body, where the family's suspicions that Sula was missing a heart were confirmed. This case was referred to the Prosecutor's Office of Tirana on May 27, 2020. Relatives suspect that during treatment in Barcelona, the 33-year-old had a heart attack under circumstances and reasons that are still unclear, which has led the Prosecutor's Office of Tirana to start investigations to clarify the fullness of this serious event..
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