Who did the mafia boss of 'Cosa Nostra' Matteo Messina Denaro meet in Albania?

Matteo Messina Denaro at the time he was arrested in Palermo
 Matteo Messina Denaro at the time he was arrested in Palermo
 The boss of 'Cosa Nostra', Matteo Messina Denaro, has also been in Albania. This is what the Italian media write, where according to them Matteo Denaro has traveled to Albania, Montenegro, and Spain.

Denaro has come to create connections with businessmen and officials, Travels and long stays, have common denominator drugs.

In Albania, Messina Denaro had first sent Luca Bellomo, the husband of his niece Lorenza, and then to come personally to establish connections, say the investigators, relations with representatives of institutions and entrepreneurs.

It is still not known who the boss of the Italian mafia met in Albania, while the connections with the Albanian mafia are numerous in Europe, especially for cocaine traffic that is taken from Latin American countries.
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