3 police officers in Vlora are suspended after they allowed a person to pass with false documents

Vlora Port by drone
 Vlora Port by drone
 Three police officers in the port of Vlora have been suspended from their duties under the accusation that they took bribes and allowed a person to cross the border with forged documents, local media say.

The Directorate of Professional Standards in the State Police decided the measure of suspension from duty for the shift manager Deputy Commissioner Xhevdet Qepin, inspector Pëllumb Hasanaliaj, with control duty, as well as for inspector Gëzim Zenelaj, with service body duty.

In addition, an in-depth disciplinary investigation has been launched against 3 officers, while a criminal investigation has been launched from AMP.

In the press release, the State Police informs that it is determined to remove from its ranks, the employees who abuse their duties and violate the citizens' trust in their troops.
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