A vehicle burns in Tirana, the 73-year-old woman asphyxiates

A vehicle burns in Tirana, the 73-year-old woman asphyxiates
While a car involved in flames in Tirana, source: Euronews
 "A vehicle was involved in flames this Sunday in Tirana on Ndre Mjeda street. According to police sources, the vehicle was parked in a garage at the time of the incident.

As a result of this incident, a 73-year-old elderly woman was suffocated and remains in critical condition. The investigation team is working to clarify the circumstances of the incident.

"On 26.03.2023, a fire occurred in the parked vehicle of citizen A.B. in a garage on Ndre Mjeda street.

As a result, citizen H.Gj., a 73-year-old woman, was suffocated by smoke and is currently in critical condition. The investigative team is working to clarify the circumstances of the incident," according to the police statement.
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