Albanian deputy of Sweden a hero in Montenegro, Adnan Dibran saves a little baby from drowning

Adnan Dibrani with the small child in his arms after rescuing him in Montenegro
 Adnan Dibrani with the small child in his arms after rescuing him in Montenegro
 The Albanian deputy in the Parliament of Sweden, Adnan Dibrani, was this weekend in Montenegro as part of the observation mission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the day of the presidential elections in Montenegro.

"He probably thought that was his only task during his visit to Podgorica, but nevertheless, his mission on Monday turned out to be much bigger than that," reports the Malaysian newspaper "Pobjeda".

Adnan Dibrani helped rescue a baby, who was pulled out of the cold Moraça river by the employees of "Zelenilit", Aldin Ibrahimović, Almur Mujak and Shpejtim Demaj. Thanks to his courage, calmness, but also the knowledge he has as a parent of three minor children, Adnan took the water out of the baby's lungs and practically "revived" him.

In the interview given to "Pobjeda" newspaper, Dibrani said that he did not believe that he would succeed.

"I was crossing the bridge and looked towards the water when I saw a woman and a child swimming in the river. Some other boys came, went down to the river, and pulled the baby out of the water. While others called an ambulance. I ran towards them and saw that they were holding the baby, who had no signs of life. Since I have a small child at home, I knew what to do in such a situation," said Adnani.

He was afraid it was too late, but he didn't give up.

"I took the baby from them and I tried to do what I know, the best I could, I squeezed the baby, and I got the water out of his lungs. When I heard his clear voice, I rushed to the emergency room and handed the baby over," says Adnani.

He says the baby had been in the river for several minutes.

"I was just hoping the baby would start breathing. And when I heard his scream, it gave me extra energy to manage to save him," said Adnani. "I will hug my children, and in my mind, I hope that the baby will soon be healthy again with his parents."

Adnan Dibrani, who is from Mitrovica, migrated to Sweden in 1992 as a 7-year-old. He is a member of the Swedish Parliament from among the Social Democrats.

Dibran was congratulated by the MP of Montenegro, Andrija Nikolic, on "Twitter".

"You come as an envoy of Sweden to monitor the elections in Montenegro and you return home as a hero. Adnan Dibrani, Montenegro will remember the good deed you did, saving the baby's life together with the brave employees of Zelenil", wrote Nikolic. 
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