Kenya recognizes Kosovo passports

 The Republic of Kenya has decided to recognize the passports of the Republic of Kosovo.

In the letter that the Kenyan president, William Samoei Ruto, has sent to the former president of Kosovo, Behgjet Pacolli, it is said that this decision was taken after some careful consideration.

Ruto stated that in the future, Kenya and Kosovo will intensify bilateral relations.

Among other things, the president of Kenya has underlined that he expects to have a cooperation with the president of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani.

The letter of the Kenyan president:

I convey to you warm greetings and best wishes for good health and well

1 appreciate your valuable support and friendship over the years and look
forward to strengthening our relations and peopl to people interactions for mutual

Kenya recognizes Kosovo passports
Bearing in mind the growing recognition of Kosovo by the international
community and appreciating our deep and fraternal relation, wish to inform you
that after careful consideration, Kenya has decided to recognize Kosovan
passports. In the near future, we will be expanding the scope of our relations
including in cultural, commercial and other spheres, a will be agreed upon from time to

It is my desire that we maintain a close relationship with you while forging
a robust collaboration with Her Excellency Viosa Osmani-Sadriu to attain our
mutual aspirations which include sustainable development and the promotion of
an equitable, peaceful, and prosperous world.

Please accept, Excellency and Dear Brother, the assurances of my highest
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