A guy driving a car and an Albanian license on the left side of the screen |
The price increase for patents in Albania has been put on hold by the Competition Authority.
The price rise was declared to be in breach of the "law for the preservation of competition," the agreement signed between DPSHTRR, driving school associations, and Taxation, during the meeting held this Friday, local media
According to the authority, the agreement should be outlawed since it will obstruct, restrict, and distort market competition.
As was previously mentioned, the Competition Commission issued Decision No. 970 on March 24, 2023: The General Directorate of Road Transport Services, the "National Driving School Association," the "Road Safety" Driving School Association, and the General Directorate of Taxes signed Act Agreement No. 2729 prot. on February 13, 2023. This Act is deemed to be an agreement act in violation of Article 4 "On the Preservation of Competition" Law 9121.2003. During a period of one (one) year, the market for preparation services and tools for drivers, according to the type of license, proof, or certificate, will be under observation. According to statute no. 9121/2003's article 74, point 1, letter c), the failure to implement this decision constitutes a significant infringement of competition.