The Albanian who feeds the wolves, Lirim

Lirim holding a wolf in his arms
Lirim holding a wolf in his arms 
 In Albania, there are still some areas where wolves roam free. These majestic animals have been a part of Albanian folklore for centuries and are often portrayed as symbols of strength and power. However, their presence can also be a source of conflict, as they sometimes prey on livestock and can pose a danger to humans.

Despite this, there are those who have developed a deep respect and affection for these animals. One such person is a man named Lirim, who lives in a small village in the mountains of northern Albania, near Gjakova.

Lirim has been feeding a pack of wolves for several years now. At first, he was hesitant to approach them, knowing the danger they could pose. But over time, he began leaving food out for them on a regular basis. Slowly but surely, the wolves began to trust him, and would come closer and closer to him to take the food.

Lirim has become something of a local legend in his village, known for his bravery and compassion toward the wolves. He has even started a small organization to help protect them and raise awareness about their plight.

While some might view Lirim's actions as reckless, he sees it as a way to connect with a part of nature that is often misunderstood and feared. By feeding the wolves, he hopes to show that they are not the bloodthirsty killers that they are often made out to be, but rather intelligent, social creatures that play an important role in the ecosystem.

Of course, there are still risks involved in Lirim's activities. But for him, the rewards of being able to interact with these magnificent animals far outweigh the dangers. And as long as the wolves continue to come to him for food, he will continue to provide for them and advocate for their protection.
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