The Deputy Director of Police in Montenegro is detained as a member of a criminal organization

The Deputy Director of Police in Montenegro is detained as a member of a criminal organization.
Dejan Knezhevi 
 Dejan Knezhevi, the deputy director of the Police Directorate for the Fight Against Organized Crime, was arrested this Wednesday as part of an operation carried out by the Special Police Department of Montenegro. Knezhevi was accused of being a structured criminal group and of committing other offenses.

Montenegrin media reports that individuals from the Extraordinary Police Division (SPO) captured Knezhević by request of the Unique Express Investigator's Office.

Vukas Radonji, the Special State Prosecution's spokesperson, also confirmed the information regarding Knezhevi's arrest.

"The acting assistant director of the Police Directorate for the Anti-Crime Sector, DK, was deprived of his liberty today, under the suspicion of having committed the criminal offense of creating a criminal organization and other criminal offenses," stated Radonjic, emphasizing that the Prosecutor's Office The State Special is anticipated to provide additional details in the coming hours. "In continuation of the action that the Special Police Department undertakes together with the Special State Prosecution, and based on several months of

The Police Directorate employs Dejan Knezhevi, a senior official. He was in charge of the Department of the Fight Against Drug Trafficking in the past. At the beginning of March 2021, he was given the position of deputy director of the Police Directorate for Organized Crime. A few weeks ago, Knezhevi's tenure in that position was extended.
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