The history of Albania in 7500 photos, "Fototeka" brings the rare images since 1865

The history of Albania in 7500 photos, "Fototeka" brings the rare images since 1865
 These photos have been taken over the centuries and have been published, most of them, for the first time.

Rubens Shima, the curator of "Fototeka", this digital museum, says that there are more than 7500 photos posted on this platform.

"The photo library is an archive that tracks and publishes the heritage in the Albanian territories. Light is shed on the way of life of Albanians, foreigners who have lived, architecture, history", said Shima.

There are 40 different collections that reflect life in Albania. Famous characters like King Zog, Prince Vidi, and ordinary citizens, all have been thrown in this museum.

This photo shows King Zog in his office. The photo was taken in 1930 by Otello Renzoni. Another image shows Ahmet Zogu in national dress, presented as the young Skanderbeg. The photographer is unknown.

"There are very early photos, but the photo collection starts somewhere at the end of the 19th century, they belong to 1865, from a stretch of a century", says the curator.

Anyone looking for their share of images from this platform can have access for free. Meanwhile, this is only the first phase of a series of images that show the history of Albanian photography.
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