Violence against women and girls in Albania, the denunciation and the effort to protect them continues

VOA journalists interviewing an Albanian victim
 VOA journalists interviewing an Albanian victim
 In Albania, the reporting of violence against women and girls is increasing, and their protection has become the main commitment of human rights organizations.

Activists claim that despite the increase in reporting, violence against women and girls is a widespread and little-known phenomenon, VOA reports.

Albana is one of the women who reported violence, sought a solution to her marriage, and is trying to start a new life. For security reasons, her portrait is hidden, while her name and voice have been changed.

After reporting violence by her ex-husband, she has been granted a restraining order by the court and is in the process of resolving the divorce.

Albana tells Voice of America that physical violence against her started immediately after marriage, covering her as a form of jealousy for no reason.

"From physical violence, he continued with threats: 'You cannot leave in any way. He said: "You are lost. I will kill you. I will throw you off the building." I was afraid in this relationship; if I left, I would be killed as he repeated. I stayed in that relationship for 4 years, but the same events continued, until I got tired and said 'Enough!' " emphasized Albana.

We met Albana in the premises of the Center for Civic Legal Initiatives, where dozens of brave women and girls like her are constantly assisted by lawyers and psychologists. Here, lawyers hear many shocking stories of violence against girls from student age to women over 60, from the earliest forms of violence to murder.

Nadja Guni is a member of a wide group of young lawyers who have completed university studies in law with high results and who have dedicated themselves to supporting girls and women who have been abused with legal advice.

She says that this commitment has involved her a lot, is becoming dominant in her professional dedication, and is doing everything she can to influence this phenomenon as much as possible.

Only when you come into contact with them can you understand how widespread this phenomenon is in Albanian society, she says.

"Economic and social factors have the greatest impact. The problems of violent alcoholics are ongoing. Here, there are constantly enough victims of violence from family members who are consumers of drugs and alcohol. We try to help everyone," says lawyer Guni.

Legal aid in this center starts from the preparation of documents, up to their representation in administrative and judicial bodies, standing by the women and girls who have been abused throughout the legal processes.

Restraining orders are taken in almost all cases presented in court, and after physical protection, a series of other issues begin, says lawyer Klea Cahani.

"The assistance starts with the treatment of violence, but later the processes for resolving divorce, child custody, obtaining economic assistance for victims, etc. begin."
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