Albania girls beat North Macedonia in football

Albania girls beat North Macedonia in football
 In the match against North Macedonia
 Megi Doçi and Valentina Troka helped the Albanian national team to an amicable victory over North Macedonia.

The Red and Black Girls developed positively and started with a 3:1 victory at the end of 90 minutes.

Albania's first goal came from striker Megi Doçi from 11 meters away in the 37th minute, meaning a temporary draw after Andonova's goal at the start of the clash with North Macedonia.

The challenge appeared to end in a draw as it was Valentina Troca's turn to seal the 3-1 victory with a brace in 10 minutes.

The protagonist of this game did not hide his emotions after his positive performance.

It's a positive sign for manager Armir Grima who has a good squad.
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