Albanian youth deprived of desire fulfillment

Albanian youth deprived of desire fulfillment
 The younger generation in Albania faces a range of issues, including finding affordable housing, purchasing a car, and funding leisure activities and vacations. This can prevent them from fulfilling their desires and improving their quality of life.

Eurostat has examined the extent of material deprivation among young people in Europe in 2021, with data available up until 2020. According to Eurostat, severe material and social deprivation among 15-29 year olds in the European Union was 6.1% in 2021. However, in Albania, the rate was much higher at 34%, making it the country with the highest rate of severe material and social deprivation in Europe.

In comparison to other countries in the region, Serbia had the lowest percentage of severe material and social deprivation at 10.4% in 2020, followed by North Macedonia with 14.9% and Montenegro with 22.3%. Although Albania differed from other countries in the region in terms of the level of material deprivation, it was similar in terms of the risk of poverty. Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia had similar rates, with around 25% of 15-29 year olds being at risk of poverty.
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