Alice Taylor: I was 6 months pregnant, when I was called a Russian spy, I endangered my daughter

Alice Tayler at Euronews Albania studio
 Alice Taylor at Euronews Albania studio
 Journalist Alice Taylor is one of the first characters that Prime Minister Rama interviewed on his Podcast. Invited to the show "Good Morning Albanians", at Euronews Albania she said that in this interview she also talked about a very serious event in her life.

She was accused of being a Russian spy in Albania and in many media she was rumored as such, while this was not true. The journalist said that at that time she experienced this very badly, she said that she was in the hospital 6 months pregnant and she endangered her child because of this situation.

"I spoke about the attacks I had in the media and made my displeasure known publicly even before the interview I had with Mr. Rama. I made it clear that whoever ordered such a situation to happen has ruined my life. I was hospitalized, 6 months pregnant and I risked losing my daughter.

I made this clear to the Prime Minister as well. I have taken the matter to court, for every court they have not removed the fake article for me. I even took the police, the Ministry of the Interior, the border police to court and I won. I will never forget that event, there are still people who turn to me on the street and say "you are a Russian spy", said Alice Taylor.
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