"Bible Pro" project that will bring the Bible into Albanian from the original texts

With the photograph of the mosaic of the Basilica of Vrina Butrint inscribed for the donors of the church and "For the condition of those whose names God knows," the online view of a project of importance in Albanian historiography appears, Albanian media say.

This project, which is associated with our national formation, is being carried out in New Jersey, USA.

The project called "Bible Pro" is being developed for the translation of the Bible into Albanian from the original texts.

"Bible Pro" project that will bring the Bible into Albanian from the original texts
"The translation of the Bible is science and art. It is a bridge that brings the Word of the Lord from the ancient world to the present world. Dependent on the Lord to fulfill this holy duty, we present the project: "Bible - a new translation from the original" (Bible PRO), a new translation in Albanian of the Word of the Lord, aligned with the original texts in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, " it is written on the project's website.

For the first time, I was introduced to this project by its leader, the pastor of the Albanian Baptist Church "Udha e Shpresës," Beni Pango in Morristown, New Jersey, in the United States.

"Bible PRO" offers the original text and translation in Albanian together.

The Albanian Baptist Church "Udha e Shpresës" New York-New Jersey located on Green Ave, Madison in New Jersey, says that the translation of the New Testament will be completed within a year, while the publication of the first books is being made online.

"Bible Pro" project that will bring the Bible into Albanian from the original texts
According to Pastor Pango, the "Bible PRO - New Translation from the Original" project, as it is also named, is a new translation of the Holy Scripture in the Albanian language, entirely based on the original languages of the biblical texts: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.

The base text for the Old Testament, as presented in the project, is the "Open Scripture Hebrew Bible," known as the "Mazoretic Text," supported by the Leningrad Codex.

This Codex itself is the basis for the standard publication of the "Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia."

The translation of the New Testament is based on the text "Unfoldingword Greek New Testament," which fundamentally constitutes the same text as the standard publications "The Greek New Testament of the United Bible Societies" and "Nestle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece."

When the Greek text differs significantly from standard or well-known publications such as the "Textus Receptus," it is presented with the necessary notes.

"Bible Pro" project that will bring the Bible into Albanian from the original texts
The primary purpose of the project is to provide Albanian-speaking evangelical churches, Bible scholars, preachers, and anyone who desires a study reading with a text that, as the pastor continues, aims for three characteristics:

As accurate and faithful as possible to the original languages in semantic and stylistic aspects;

As clear and fluent as possible in reading, in line with the standard of modern Albanian;

Reliable in presenting theological content and historical-cultural information.

"The work for this translation is an important human enterprise that requires physical and spiritual time and dedication. This is not a project that will be completed in a short time, and all those who are involved, whether to provide even the smallest financial support or to translate the Word of God, do it because "His love compels us" (2 Cor. 5:14), and just as those who built the Basilica of Vrina (Butrint) and dedicated themselves and their efforts to the Lord, we too can say that God knows the names of those who fulfill this service" - it is said about the project.

The New Translation from the Original (PRO) will be ready both interlinearly and electronically and in print.

As a people with three beliefs and hardworking without resorting to igniting disagreements, completely dear and open to sects or different directions, Albanians have this as the foundation of family and social life.

Albanian Baptists

The first traces of Evangelical Christians are found in 1819 when Pinkerton from the British and Foreign Bible Society consulted with Vangjel Meksi to translate the New Testament into Albanian. Meksi was a well-educated Albanian who had begun to develop an interest in creating a written Albanian language. Vangjel Meksi was tasked with translating the New Testament using Greek letters, which were published in 1827.

In 1864, this Society commissioned Konstantin Kristoforidhi to re-translate the New Testament into the Geg and Tosk dialects with Latin letters, a work that was completed in 1884. Before carrying out this good work, Kristoforidhi contacted people by traveling to different northern and southern regions to gather phrases and expressions to enrich his Albanian dictionary. According to the well-known Albanologist R. Elsie, "these translations served as a foundation for creating a modern literary language, in two dialect variants." Meanwhile, the publication of Kristoforidhi's "Grammar" was also funded. Evangelicals went from city to city to spread Bibles, as well as alphabet books and grammar in the Albanian language.

"Bible Pro" project that will bring the Bible into Albanian from the original texts
Alexander Thompson, a delegate from the BFBS in Albania, believed that Albanians had the right to have a written form of their native language. Moreover, since the Gospel existed in Albanian, there was no need for people to know Christ. Thompson encouraged many Albanians and foreigners to travel throughout Albania and bring the Albanian Gospel to them.

In 1873, the evangelicals who came to Manastir had an impact on the life of Gjerasim Qiriazi. In 1883, Gjerasimi, in cooperation with Thompson, began to distribute Bibles and spread the Gospel throughout Albania. Meanwhile, he developed religious services in the Albanian language and hundreds of people gathered in these services.

The great contribution of the Evangelists to the development of Albanian literature.

In October 1891, Gjerasim, together with his sister Sevastina, opened the "Girls' School," which would be a significant event in our national education. The Girls' School marked a brilliant achievement in the development of Albanian literature, which was built according to contemporary programs of civilized countries, but its content had a strong national spirit. All subjects were taught in the Albanian language with texts prepared by prominent Albanian figures and the Qiriazi sisters. After the Congress of Monastir in 1908, Parashqevi, along with Sevastina, created the first alphabet for their school, where the Qiriazi sisters, Fanka Eftimiu, and Polikseni Luarasi would teach children their mother tongue. "The Girls' School" served as a spark of patriotism and emancipation that the Qiriazi sisters ignited with the opening of the first girls' school.

On November 14, 1892, Gjerasim Qiriazi, along with a group of patriots such as Sevasti Qiriazi, Grigor Cilka, Herakli Bogdani, Ligor Çina, Fanka Eftimiu, and P.N. Luarasi, founded the "Evangelical Brotherhood." Their goal was threefold: 1) to spread the Gospel in Albania; 2) to publish Albanian literature; 3) to open and run Albanian schools. Schools and books were the Renaissance vision of the Evangelicals, who had the merit of opening five "institutions": the newspaper "Letra e Vëllazërisë," which dates back as the first Albanian newspaper; the Sunday School; the Girls' School; the Evangelical Church; the "Evangelical-Literary Brotherhood" society.

In 1908, the Evangelicals actively participated in the organization and proceedings of the Congress of Monastir. Gjergj Qiriazi was the deputy chairman of this congress. He was also one of the founders of the publication of the newspaper "Bashkimi i Kombit," which published many Albanian literary works, enabling Albanians to learn, read, and write in their own language. In the midst of persecution, prejudice, repression, and obstacles from the Ottoman Empire, the Evangelicals worked actively not only to spread the message of the Gospel but also to promote the Albanian language, literature, and schools.

"Bible Pro" project that will bring the Bible into Albanian from the original texts
At the Congress of Monastir, Parashqevi Qiriazi had the honor of being the only female delegate and the first woman in history to participate in an all-Albanian forum. She spoke at the conference about the need for an alphabet accepted by all. She founded "Yll'i Mëngjesit" in 1909, which is known as the first Albanian women's society. The aim of the society was to promote education among Albanian women. In 1909, Parashqevi published "Abetare për Shkollat e Para," becoming the first female author of textbooks in Albanian. She composed a song for the alphabet, which became the national anthem.

Thanas Sina, during his life, distinguished himself as a teacher, patriot, preacher, publisher, and translator of the Bible.

Sina has faithfully served the British Overseas Bible Society and the Evangelical Brotherhood. He was one of the first three teachers of the Albanian language at the first school for boys in Korça and also taught at the Girls' School. As early as 1895, he was known as an excellent preacher in Korça, where the work with the Gospel had its roots until the fall of communism. Thanas Sina collaborated with Alexander Thompson on the translation of the Bible; edited the New Testament in Toscana with Gjergj Qiriazi, he also edited the book of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah and Samuel. Sina assisted the American Board of Foreign Mission Commissions and Edith Durham in distributing aid during World War II. This teacher and preacher stands out for his contribution to Albanian literature as well as to the Evangelical church of the time.

The Evangelical Christian community continued to enjoy steady growth and by 1940 boasted a membership of several hundred.

During the Communist regime, the evangelicals suffered persecution, so with the advent of democracy, there were about five religious men left from the pre-war Korca Church.

With the advent of democracy in 1992, the EVANGELICAL BROTHERHOOD OF ALBANIA restarts its activity, continuing the work and work of the Albanian Christians of the first centuries and Evangelical patriots such as Gjerasim Qiriazi, Grigor Cilka, Kristo Dako, etc.
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