Gambling returning in ALbania; Former Finance Minister: By closing them, Rama failed, and the nation lost billions

Arben Malaj and on the left of the sreen someone playing online betting
 Arben Malaj and on the left of the sreen someone playing online betting
 Arben Malaj, our nation's former finance minister, has discussed the decision to reinstate betting. Welcome to the show "Cutting edge" of Nea24, he said that the underlying shutting of wagers was an episode of "administration with feeling and individual enthusiasm" with respect to the state leader, who, as indicated by him, pursued an error with the choice he required a couple of years prior.

Malaj went on to say that Albania has lost billions of dollars as a result of the betting industry's closure because it has been profitable for a long time because it has not paid taxes.

"Government that is driven by emotion, the budget has lost billions of dollars because bets were closed; this is not a small thing. There has been betting, and people have been able to get their hands on illegal money. Economic crime needs to be aware of where this money came from. Although you can't completely control it, I concur that billions are lost without legalizing it."

"When the prime minister banned betting, did he know that they were not prohibited? It was administration with an individual energy. I think he himself acknowledged that his decision was a failure. They ought to be taxed and made legal. Or, like in Italy, hold a large national lottery with a few winners. "Malaj said that the online model will be easier to control and will stop the growth of betting points in every country."
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