"Russian deputies are privileged in the Serbian parliament"

Cedomir Stojković while in an interview in Euronews Albania
Cedomir Stojković while in an interview in Euronews Albania 
 The Serbian lawyer Cedomir Stojković, invited on Euronews Albania, called the presence of three Russian deputies in the Serbian parliament shameful.

According to him, Ukrainian deputies have visited the country before, but they were not allowed to speak in parliament, while the Russians were clearly given these privileges.

The lawyer also said that EU intervention is necessary in Serbia, otherwise, it will not change its stance.

"Some Ukrainian lawmakers were invited to visit Serbia, but members of the Ukrainian parliament were not allowed to speak in parliament. Now we have Russian lawmakers coming to the Serbian parliament and having privileges that Ukrainians did not have. This is very shameful and very terrifying for Serbia. It is also a shame for the entire Balkans.

I strongly believe that the West must take strong action against the Serbian government so that parliament behaves in a European manner. I also expect some political sanctions, but so far we have not seen anything, and this is shameful for Europe as well. Without some intervention from the European Union, the Serbian government and the Serbian parliament will not change their approach," said lawyer Cedomir Stojković.
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