The extraordinary number of Albanians that apply for German visas

The extraordinary number of Albanians that apply for German visas
 It is troubling how frequently young Albanians and teenagers leave the country, Euronews reports.

Every month at the beginning of the month, the German embassy opens applications for visas. They can apply for simple and specialized visas.

"Requests have been exceptionally high, it was talked about that 10,000 work spots would be opened. Specialized visas require a diploma and a B2 level of language proficiency, and the visa application process can take up to six months. There are separate stages. This is the second round of applications for free jobs in the food and construction industries. Aurela Baholli stated, "The free quotas that the embassy has in a month are 200-300 applicants who benefit."

About half of the nearly 177 thousand respondents to the national family immigration survey, which was conducted by INSTAT and a number of other organizations between 2011 and 2019, are young people between the ages of 15 and 29. Over one hundred thousand people will leave Albania by the end of 2022.
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