Why does Iran want to be present in Albania? The expert speaks

Flags of Iran and Albania
 Flags of Iran and Albania
  The Albanian international relations expert, Kreshnik Osmani, said in an interview for Euronews Albania that it needs to be looked into why Iran has so much interest in having its presence in Albania.

According to the expert, Iran has a strategy that is making it have more and more influence, and, according to him, the state of Iran is building the profile of a large regional state.

"We need to ask why Iran is interested in returning to Albania. What is the reason that the Islamic Republic of Iran sees it necessary to have its presence in Albania, even with the mediation of Ankara? What are the interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Balkans, what are the strategic perspectives of Tehran for the Balkans and for Albanian lands in particular?

If we carefully study how Iran moves and how it is increasingly factored into the Middle East or its areas of influence in other regions, such as Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and other areas, we understand that Iran is building the profile of a large regional state, a regional power which, in collaboration with its allies, Russia, China, and third-party players who are vigorously active in the new world that will emerge, I think it is part of this strategy," said Kreshnik Osmani.
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