'1800 voters from Athens to vote in Himare'

'1800 voters from Athens to vote in Himare'
 Euronews Albania journalist, Enriko Gaba, reported on the Review show that there is silence in the headquarters of the "Together We Win" candidate in Himara, Fredi Beleri, following his arrest and imprisonment for vote buying.

He revealed that around 1,800 voters from Athens are expected to arrive in Potam, about 2 km away from Himara, to participate in Sunday's electoral process.

"There is silence in Beleri's headquarters, which has stopped all communication with the media. Around 2 km from Himara, in Potam, around 1,800 voters from Athens are expected to arrive. All those whose names are on the voter lists have left in their personal vehicles, unlike in the past when they arrived by bus. Beleri had a meeting in Athens a few days ago. On the other hand, candidate Jorgo Goro is also there, so the number of arrivals from Greece is expected to be higher," said journalist Gaba.
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