Albania - Switzerland, memorandum of cooperation with tourism agencies

From the left: Ilir Gjoni, Zana Çela and Federico Sommaruga
 From the left: Ilir Gjoni, Zana Çela and Federico Sommaruga 
 Yesterday, in Zurich, Albania and Switzerland signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoU) in the field of Tourism. The agreement for the Albanian side was signed by the Director General of the National Tourism Agency of Albania (AKT), Mrs. Zana Çela-Rama, while for the Swiss side it was signed by Mr. Federico Sommaruga, Director of Markets Development and Special Projects in Swiss Tourism (ST).

Present during the signing were the Ambassador of the Republic of Albania in Bern, Ilir Gjoni, and Mr. Pascal Prinz, Director of Global Initiatives in Swiss Tourism (ST).

According to the MoU, Albania and Switzerland will strengthen and develop cooperation in the field of tourism, including:

Assistance in establishing contacts with relevant organizations, sustainable tourism approaches throughout the year in mountainous areas and national parks.

Assistance in the development and promotion of products for Albanian and Swiss tourists in collaboration with local federations of tourism agencies responsible for supporting foreign tourism.

The two countries will exchange information on the legal acts regulating tourism, tourism statistics, and experience in improving the quality of tourist services. Another important point of this agreement is the cooperation between educational institutions engaged in the training of professional personnel in the field of tourism.

In addition, Albania and Switzerland will assist each other in organizing tourism exhibitions and forums, as well as informative visits for representatives of tourism and media from both countries, in order to become acquainted with the infrastructure and tourist products.

During the visit, Mr. Sommaruga accompanied the Albanian delegation to the premises of the Swiss National Tourism Organization and Marketing.
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