Dick Marty accuses Serbia and Albania of preparing his murder

Dick Marty accuses Serbia and Albania of preparing his murder
 Today, Swiss media again reported on the attempted assassination of the former advisor to the State of Ticino and special investigator of the Council of Europe, Dick Marty. Marty has made serious accusations against the Foreign Department of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the Attorney General (BA) regarding threats against him, according to the Swiss newspaper Le Canton27.ch.

Dick Marty (78), former Councilor of the State of Ticino and special investigator of the Council of Europe, stated on "Daily Talk" on Radio SRF on Friday that it took him so long to receive protection and that the authorities did not immediately pursue the criminals. "The issue could have been resolved quickly," said Marty.

The aim of the criminals was to blame former Kosovar President Hashim Thaçi for his assassination. Marty supposes that they were people with contacts in the Serbian secret services. Because Serbia was afraid that Thaçi could not face justice.

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If official Switzerland had immediately intervened with the Serbian government and told them that they knew about the plans, the plan would have failed, Marty said. "But apparently, they didn't want to ruin diplomatic relations. I don't know why." But he knows that many people in official Switzerland in the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA) and the Office of the Attorney General are not telling the truth.

BA: In contact with Serbian authorities

At the request of the Keystone-SDA news agency, the BA wrote without addressing the accusation for a delayed response: "Swiss authorities responsible are in contact with Serbian authorities at different levels."

Exchanges and meetings were held between the Federal Criminal Police of Fedpol and Serbian police authorities, it was said on Friday. This measure is "part of the group of measures that have been drawn up," where the exchange between Fedpol and Serbian police authorities was made in close consultation with the Office of the Attorney General.

Campaign in Albania

However, the threat does not only come from the Serbian side, Marty emphasized to SRF that Albanian media, even politicians, have been conducting a campaign of slander against him for years. And this is dangerous. Because this approach can incite uncontrollable people.

 Marty expressed disappointment that Swiss authorities did not tell him the truth: he was never very popular in official Bern, partly because he wrote a report on CIA prisons, which may have disrupted relations with the United States.

Confirmed human rights violations

In a 2010 report for the Council of Europe, Marty concluded that parts of the leadership of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) had committed war crimes during the Kosovo War of 1998-1999. The Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague later confirmed the relevant charges and Thaçi resigned as President in November 2020.

However, Marty was not given full protection until December 2020. At that time, the federal prosecutor said that there should be a "serious threat situation" against Marty. Due to the "apparently transnational context", the issue also has a political component.

Dick Marty from Switzerland accuses Serbia and Albania of paying people, producing incitement and hatred for murder.
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