Domestic violence indicators on the rise in Albania

Domestic violence indicators on the rise in Albania
 Indicators of domestic violence are increasing year after year in Albania, making this phenomenon increasingly worrying for society and authorities, both local and national.

According to crime and criminal justice statistics in Albania, about 1,880 cases of domestic violence were recorded in 2022, with over 2,000 perpetrators of this crime.

In the Gjirokastra region, judicial authorities are urging citizens to be more active in reporting cases of violence, while local structures are making efforts to increase services for victims of violence.

A few days ago, at a meeting with journalists and local social protection structures, the deputy head of the Gjirokastra Court, Suelda Dashi, highlighted that almost all cases of domestic violence were brought to court by police stations.

Dashi said to VOA that citizens themselves could file lawsuits for cases of violence directly to the court for immediate action.

"Not everything can come from the police station. Citizens themselves need to be educated to address the court directly with a request complaint. Because it may happen that due to bureaucracy, police stations may delay sending reports by days or hours, but in cases of domestic violence, this time can be fatal. It is enough for citizens to address the court secretariat and submit a written request-complaint, and then the court invests fully in reviewing the cases."

Dashi said that during 2022, the Gjirokastra Court issued 70 protection orders for reported cases of violence, while in 2021, 20 protection orders were issued for violence against women and children.

According to crime and criminal justice statistics in Albania, cases of domestic violence have increased year after year. In 2022, 1,887 cases of domestic violence were recorded, up from 1,631 in 2021 and 1,374 in 2018.

The number of perpetrators of these criminal acts has also increased. According to official statistics, in 2022, there were 2,003 perpetrators of domestic violence in Albania, up from 1,733 in 2021 and 1,459 in 2018.

Cases of violence are often difficult to report, says Loreta Mamani, a representative of the Psychologist's Path in Gjirokastra.

"It is noticed that violence is not reported immediately in the first cases. But it lasts because it happens within the four walls of the family. Children, and mothers, always hope that the father who abuses them will be fixed, the situation will improve, but when a lot of time passes, and the person continues this violence, they report it to the police.

Municipalities have created special structures for these categories, and there is also a center for treating cases of domestic violence in Gjirokastra.

Erjona Shkrepa, a psychologist at this center, talks about the services offered.

"The center offers psychological service, counseling, and psycho-social support, we offer 72-hour accommodation for cases of violence, support with economic assistance with a package of 9800 thousand lek, we support the children of the abused with free kindergartens and nurseries, as well as providing service free legal aid for cases presented at the center.

Ms. Shkrepa says that the most cases of reporting violence come from urban areas and from families with a low economic level.

"The cases that are not reported come from families with low economic status. Maybe it's low education, the economy, there are many factors that influence domestic violence."

In Albania, the phenomenon of violence, especially against women, girls, and minors, remains a challenge for the authorities and society not only from the increasing indicators but also from the deepening of poverty, especially in rural areas.
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