Fredi Beleri, the candidate who wants to Hellenize a part of Albania while in prison wins the elections in Himare

Fredi Beleri, the candidate who wants to Hellenize a part of Albania while in prison wins the elections in Himare
 Fredi BVejleri
 The candidate of the "Together We Win" coalition, Fredi Beleri, has won the elections in the Municipality of Himara.

The race between the Socialist candidate Jorgo Goro and Beleri was very close.

Beleri received 3818 votes, while his socialist opponent in these local elections received 3837 votes.

The difference in votes between them is 19 votes.

Fredi Beleri was arrested on the morning of May 12th by order of the Vlora Prosecutor's Office on charges of "active corruption in the elections," specifically vote-buying.

He was apprehended by the police last night, along with three others, while he had been under investigation for days.

Now the judicial process awaits Beleri to determine whether he will assume the position of Mayor of Himara or if new elections will be held in this Municipality.

While Fredi Beleri himself reacted from prison regarding the final result of the elections in this municipality, where he was declared the winner with 19 votes.

Through a post on the Facebook social network, Beleri expresses gratitude to all his supporters who showed courage in these local elections, local media say.

He underlines that in Himara today there are no losers and winners, but there is a victory of democracy and citizens.

Freddie Beller's statement:

"Democracy won! Himara won! Grateful to all who showed courage. I understand all those who terrorism tried to subjugate. Today there are no losers and winners, they are all citizens of Himara and I am their Mayor and as the first among equals we will advance together to become even stronger in defense of democracy and Human Rights!"
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